Gene Expression


Radio Beethoven


Microarray - Genomics
ACID (database for microarray clone information) Lund (Sweden)
Adaptive quality-based clustering of gene expression profiles Sista (Belgium)
ADGO (analysis of differentially expressed gene sets using composite GO annotation) Daejeon (Korea)
Affycomp (benchmark for Affymetrix GeneChip expression measures) Johns Hopkins (USA)
AMPhora Expression Data Analysis MIPS (Germany)
ANOVA (NIA array analysis tools) NIH (USA)
Arabidopsis Co-expression Tool (ACT) (tools for microarray-based gene expression analysis) Leeds (UK)
ArrayCyGHt (analysis and visualization of array-CGH data) Seoul (Korea)
ArrayFusion (application for multi-dimensional analysis of CGH, SNP and microarray data) Taipei (Taiwan)
ArrayPipe (a flexible processing pipeline for microarray data) Vancouver (Canada)
ArrayXPath (mapping and visualizing microarray gene-expression data with integrated biological pathway resources using Scalable Vector Graphics) Seoul (Korea)
Asterias (data normalization to aCGH analysis, molecular signatures with survival data, ..) CNIO (Spain)
CAPweb (a bioinformatics CGH array Analysis Platform) Paris (French)
CARMAweb (comprehensive R- and bioconductor-based web service for microarray data analysis) Graz (Austria)
CellMontage (similar expression profile search server) Tokyo (Japan)
CIMMiner (generates color-coded Clustered Image Maps (CIMs) ("heat maps") to represent "high-dimensional" data sets such as gene expression profiles) NCI (USA)
CONFAC (application of comparative genomic promoter analysis to DNA microarray datasets) Atlanta (USA)
CTWC Server (coupled two-way clustering analysis of breast cancer and colon cancer gene expression data) Weizmann (Israel)
eXPatGen (Gene Expression Pattern Generator) Newark (USA)
Express Yourself Yale (USA)
Expression Profiler (online platform for analysis of microarray data) EBI (UK)
FatiGO + (a functional profiling tool for genomic data. Integration of functional annotation, regulatory motifs and interaction data with microarray experiments) Valencia (Spain)
GAP (Genome- wide Automated Primer) UCI (USA)
GEMS (for biclustering analysis of expression data) Boston (USA)
GeneCruiser (service for the annotation of microarray data) MIT (USA)
GenePublisher CBS (Denmark)
GEPAS (pipeline for microarray gene expression data) Madrid (Spain), another link
GEPS (the Gene Expression Pattern Scanner) Fujian (China)
GOAL (automated Gene Ontology analysis of expression profiles) Ferrara (Italy)
INCLUSive (suite of web-based tools and is aimed at the automatic multistep analysis of microarray data) Sista (Belgium)
ISACGH (analysis of Array CGH and gene expression) Valencia (Spain)
JProGO (tool for the functional interpretation of prokaryotic microarray data using Gene Ontology information) Braunschweig (Germany)
KAAS (an automatic genome annotation and pathway reconstruction server) Kyoto (Japan)
KARMA (application for comparing and annotating heterogeneous microarray platforms) Yale (USA)
MADAP (a flexible clustering tool for the interpretation of one-dimensional genome annotation data) ISREC (Switzerland)
MADTools (analysis and storage data) Nantes (French)
MapMan (application to legume genome arrays) Canberra (Australia)
MDscan (Fast Computational Method for Finding Protein-DNA Interaction) Stanford (USA)
Microarray data analysis Toulouse (French)
Microarray gene expression data analysis tools EBI (UK)
Microarray Elements Search and Download TAIR (USA)
MIDAW (statistical analysis of microarray data) Padua (Italy)
Oligodb (interactive design of oligo DNA for transcription profiling of human genes) Berlin (Germany)
OligoWiz 2.0 (integrating sequence feature annotation into the design of microarray probes) Lyngby (Denmark)
PAP (a comprehensive workbench for mammalian transcriptional regulatory sequence analysis) Washington (USA)
PathExpress (a web-based tool to identify relevant pathways in gene expression data) Canberra (Australia)
Pathway Miner (extracting gene association networks from molecular pathways for predicting the biological significance of gene expression microarray data) Arizona (USA)
Prism (tool for exploring sets of genome-wide data such as the data produced by expression microarrays) Washington (USA)
ProbeLynx (tool for updating the association of microarray probes to genes) Vancouver (Canada)
ProbeWiz Server CBS (Denmark)
ProDesign (a fast and flexible approach to oligonucleotide probe design for genomes and gene families) Toronto (Canada)
Prophet (class prediction using microarray data) Valencia (Spain)
RACE (analysis computation for gene expression data) Lausanne (Switzerland)
ROSO (optimizing oligonucleotide probes for microarrays) PBIL (French)
SNOMAD (Standardization and NOrmalization of MicroArray Data) John Hopkins (USA)
SOTA (DNA-array data analysis) Madrid (Spain)
SVM (supervised cluster analysis for microarray data based on multivariate Gaussian mixture) California (USA)
VAMPIRE microarray suite (platform for the interpretation of gene expression data) California (USA)
VARAN (tool for analyzing variability amongst DNA microarrays experiments) ESPCI (French)

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